General terms and conditions

All our transactions are subject to the Uniform Catering Conditions. These can be viewed at If required, we can send the terms and conditions to you free of charge. All prices quoted in this brochure are exclusive of 9% and 21% VAT if stated otherwise.


With us, you can make payments by debit card, credit card and cash. For amounts above €500.00, it is also possible to pay by invoice. This only applies to companies. When sending an invoice, we charge a €15.00 handling fee. Private individuals do not receive an invoice and must pay the total amount prior to the party. When reaching a final agreement, you must return the signed offer to us.

Guest list

At least seven working days before your meeting, we will receive by e-mail ( the number of guests who will be present during your meeting, which is decisive for the invoice. The financial risk of fewer guests attending on the day of the performance is borne by the client. The final invoice will be drawn up on the basis of the final number of persons stated. If more guests than indicated are present on the day of performance, these costs will be included in the final invoice on the basis of subsequent calculation.


If you wish to cancel an agreement, you must notify us by registered letter.
According to the uniform catering conditions, the following articles apply regarding the cancellation of a group reservation:

Cancel at:
Paying % of the reservation value
> 6 months before time 0 %
> 3 months before time 10 %
> 2 months before time 15 %
> 1 month before time 35 %
> 14 days before time 60 %
> 7 days before time 85 %
< 7 days before time 100 %
